Melikşah Çakır Apps

It's a BUEC-IEEE mobile application.-Thanks to this mobile application, you can obtain informationabout BUEC and its events.-You can easily reach the Event Coordinators without having theirphone numbers or e-mail addresses.-From the event pages in the application, you can get informationabout events, join to them, take a look at schedules, redirect towebpages.-Thanks to notifications, before upcoming events, you can takenotification for reminder.-By app to app messaging, you can chat with other users.-By the time event is being hold, you can ask your question to usor share them with other users.
BUton 1.0
Panic Button-You can add contacts mannually or select them from your contactlist.-There's a Eng/Tr option.-Just as you can send default message with your location, you canalso type your message and send it.-You will take "SMS has been sent" and "SMS delivered" reportsafter pushing button and sending message.-When clicking on speech button, according to your selectedlanguage option, your speech will be recognized, saved and sent toyour contacts that you add.-There is a menu that includes options which are "shake always" and"shake when app is open".-In order to send default or saved message, just click the panicbutton or shake the phone.